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Lighthouses and the history of “The Flying Santa”
Beginning in the Great Depression, aviator William “Bill” Wincapaw began the tradition of “The Flying Santa” to show his appreciation for the dedication and self-sacrifice of Maine’s lighthouse keepers and their families for standing the watch in isolated and often inhospitable locations. -
80th Anniversary of the Leyte liberation—Merry Christmas from General MacArthur and the Coast Guard
On Dec. 25, 1944, after a six-week campaign to liberate the Philippine Island of Leyte, Allied forces under General Douglas Macarthur were mopping up the last vestiges of Japanese resistance. -
Mirlo Rescue — the Coast Guard’s baptism of fire!
Despite any fears Chicamacomico station keeper John Allen Midgett had about entering the flames surrounding the tanker, he mustered his crew and initiated rescue operations within minutes of the explosion. -
The attack on Pearl Harbor—“a date that will live in infamy”
The U.S. Coast Guard was supporting the war effort even before Pearl Harbor, and had proven itself Semper Paratus or “Always Ready” to perform any naval or maritime mission required to defeat the enemy in World War II. -
FRC namesake Lawrence Lawson’s Thanksgiving Day rescue
The crew sprang to their places at the oars, and when the next sea lifted the craft, the soldiers pushed it out and the oars were put in motion. The rescuing party was off on their perilous errand.