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FRC namesake Lawrence Lawson’s Thanksgiving Day rescue
The crew sprang to their places at the oars, and when the next sea lifted the craft, the soldiers pushed it out and the oars were put in motion. The rescuing party was off on their perilous errand. -
Chief Gus Jablonski—Enlisted pioneer of helicopter flight
Chief Gus Jablonski was a critical figure in the early days of helicopter development. His technical knowledge and hands-on skills helped helicopter turn Igor Sikorsky’s fragile machine into a tool that could do useful work for the military. -
Celebrating the Coast Guard’s role in liberating Rome during World War II
While many are familiar with the Allied landings in Normandy in June 1944, few know about the landings that took place several months prior in Italy. -
Native Americans in the Coast Guard — Semper Paratus since 1815
Native Americans have been members of the Coast Guard and its predecessor services for well over 200 years. -
The Coast Guard responds to ghostship Carroll A. Deering!
The mystery surrounding the disappearance of schooner Carroll A. Deering’s crew of 11 or 12 men has never been solved although the Department of Justice had been called in to investigate rumors of “piracy.”
"The National Coast Guard Museum remains the Service's top philanthropic priority. I am very excited about the forthcoming National Coast Guard Museum!"
ADM Linda Fagan - Commandant, United States Coast Guard