Recent Articles
LEDETs—Over 40 years of law enforcement boarding missions
Vessel boarding has been a time-honored skill set of the Coast Guard since its founding in 1790. -
AST3 Bean and the Selendang Ayu disaster 20 years ago!
A Coast Guard Aviation Survival Technician fights to rescue the crew as the freighter breaks in two. -
MCPOCG #1 Charles Calhoun—leader, mentor, trailblazer and NSC namesake
“Charlie remembered the overall feeling of frustration at the lack of communication, or “voice,” in matters that affected every sailor in the field.” -
Lighthouses and the history of “The Flying Santa”
Beginning in the Great Depression, aviator William “Bill” Wincapaw began the tradition of “The Flying Santa” to show his appreciation for the dedication and self-sacrifice of Maine’s lighthouse keepers and their families for standing the watch in isolated and often inhospitable locations. -
80th Anniversary of the Leyte liberation—Merry Christmas from General MacArthur and the Coast Guard
On Dec. 25, 1944, after a six-week campaign to liberate the Philippine Island of Leyte, Allied forces under General Douglas Macarthur were mopping up the last vestiges of Japanese resistance.